Sunday, November 30, 2008
About Nancy
The one thing that I hope Nancy could do is get my sister into blogging. Thanks again Nancy for getting me into blogging.Nancy is someone that can convince people to get into blogging and to express others opions.Nancy while getting into blogging she'll step you through all the steps.Nancy is a person who will help you when you need help.Ihope things go well for her.Hope her and my uncle soon get together.It seems to bother them both that its just taking time. They will make a great couple when they get together. I hope soon i get to meet Nancy.
posted by Tori14<3 at 1:55 PM | Permalink |


  • At November 30, 2008 at 5:11 PM, Blogger Nancy Janiola

    vicki, thank you so much for this post. i would love to meet you all and hopefully soon..though i really don't know when that soon would be, lol..but i enjoyed talking to you and your sister, Sam..well actually to all of you. i love your uncle so much though sometimes he doubt it. And as for Sam, if she's interested to do this blogging thing, i would be pleased to be of help to her...

    love ya all! thanks again...